Posts Tagged ‘non believer’

What is the distinct difference between Christians and non-Christians?  Recently, I heard a few Christian brothers talking about a Jazz concert that was coming to Austin. They were so excited about this Jazz concert. In their minds, there wasn’t anything wrong with going to a Jazz concert. Most Jazz music is not typically known for cursing, raunchy lyrics and all of the other things that we Christians shouldn’t listen to. Question – Is there anything wrong with these brothers going to this Jazz concert? For some, the answer is no. However, for others the answer is a resounding YES! Why?  It is not the music in and of itself. It is the influence the music may have over these brothers. In reality, Jazz music (or anything else) should not be able to control or influence a Christian in the same manner in which it controls or influence a non-believer. Ask yourself, if the very thing you’re about to do or experience has more influence over you that the Lord Jesus Christ…now should you do it?